Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The ARC of North Carolina Needs Your Help!

Recent cuts in funding for mental health, developmental disabilities and substance abuse services in North Carolina have affected so many people. People are facing additional challenges because they can no longer get the things they need to maintain a happy, healthy lifestyle. I doubt, however, that those making these budget cuts truly understand how life changing their decision to cut the budget can be.

The ARC of North Carolina has decided to take action. Their goal is to get 1,000 stories collected about how the recent budget cuts have affected individuals and families who use MHDDSA services, providers of MHDDSA services, and employees of MHDDSA agencies. Your story is important, and it’s about time that the Governor, members of the General Assembly, the Department of Health and Human Services, and LME Directors hear how their decision have affected the people they serve.

To share your story, please follow these guidelines from the ARC of North Carolina to submit your survey.

  • For Individuals and family members of people with disabilities who have lost some or all of their services within the MHDDSA system (includes residential and vocational). For people without Internet access or who may need assistance, advocates/staff can interview them over the phone while they complete the survey on-line for them. If the individual fears losing services but hasn't yet, fill out the survey now and then again if/when the person does lose some or all of their services.
    Click here to complete the survey http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=FtqhlyR35b3AZF4BtjcnNg_3d_3d

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